We, academic workers in Dresden, share our personal struggles with the academic work environment and mental health. The letters you can read below are personal reflections on the challenges we face in our lives within the academic world.
The general idea is to write a letter about your experience at the intersection of mental health and academia.
This may include experiences within academia (e.g. advisors, work environment, precarity, etc…), how personal experiences in your life were not accommodated for by academia, how academia fails to address and take care of your mental health, discrimination, what you wish to change, etc… It is your choice how personal you want to be. Be aware of the level of detail you provide in your writing, which could lead to your identification. It is your choice, and we won’t edit your text. We also ask you not to include anyone else’s name in your letter, as we cannot publish such letters. We collect all letters online
in a drop-off only storage system and then publish them on this page at our earliest convenience. Note: We may re-use your text without any alteration for further publication (e.g. printed version).Want to share your experience?
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